CEDRUS is a very efficient tool for the analysis and design of slabs and buildings. It is designed to be used for every day problems and doesn’t require Finite Element specialists. Several options are available for special purposes as shown below.
CEDRUS consists of the following program modules:
Base Module (Slabs)
The base module of CEDRUS is a Finie Element program for the linear elastic, static analysis of plate structures for bending actions. It is especially conceived, however, for reinforced concrete slabs and the evaluation of the required reinforcement.
Building Model (Option G)
It offers the generation of a building model by piling of story slabs. This building model provides a bill of quantities and allows the calculation of the transfer of the vertical loads.
Horizontal Loads and
Model for Earthquake Analysis (Option H)
This extension of the Building Model allows the evaluation of the transfer of horizontal loads like earthquake and wind. It is furthermore able to generate 3D frame models for earthquake analyses with STATIK.
CEDRUS is a very efficient tool for the analysis and design of slabs and buildings. It is designed to be used for every day problems and doesn’t require Finite Element specialists. Several options are available for special purposes as shown below.
CEDRUS consists of the following program modules:
Base Module (Slabs)
The base module of CEDRUS is a Finie Element program for the linear elastic, static analysis of plate structures for bending actions. It is especially conceived, however, for reinforced concrete slabs and the evaluation of the required reinforcement.
Building Model (Option G)
It offers the generation of a building model by piling of story slabs. This building model provides a bill of quantities and allows the calculation of the transfer of the vertical loads.
Horizontal Loads and
Model for Earthquake Analysis (Option H)
This extension of the Building Model allows the evaluation of the transfer of horizontal loads like earthquake and wind. It is furthermore able to generate 3D frame models for earthquake analyses with STATIK.
Foundations, Soil-Structure-Interaction (Option F)
In conjunction with the 3D gound model of LARIX, the soil-structure interaction of a building can be analyzed. This allows the design of bottom slabs with raft, pile or piled raft foundation.
Allplan Interface (Option AP)
The following features are supported:
The generation of CEDRUS building models form 3D Allplan models, the export of the reinforcement demand to be used by Allplan and Bamtec as well as the export of the reinforcement fields created and designed by the CEDRUS Reinforcement Module.
CADextract (Option CX)
The time-consuming step from a plan view to a CEDRUS slab model can be significantly simplified by using CADextract. A complete CEDRUS input can be generated in a few steps on the base of layers, line types, fill ins, etc.
Prestressing (Option V)
This module is used mainly for building slabs but also for bridges. Prestressing actions can easily be taken into account thanks to a user friendly input of tendons and stressing steps and different numerical and graphicla means to check the input.
Externally bonded Reinforcement (Option K)
Allows the analysis and design of externally bonded reinforcement elements of different materials. They are used to retrofit existing slabs and are of increased importance lately.
All Cubus programs use shared modules like the CubusExplorer for organizing the computation data, the CubusViewer for printing and print preview and most of them also share the same graphics editor for the input of graphical objects.
The collected changes compared to the predecessor generation are listed.
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