18th Conference on Concrete, Athens
March 29-31, 2018

The loading capacity assessment of the R/C structural system of the football stadium – south section in Serres is carried out and a strengthening intervention of its performance is proposed using steel profile  encasements. The quality control, verified by sampling and testing, has shown not acceptable concrete strength, lower than C8/10, and too large concrete carbonation depth.

The structural analysis of the existing structure under selph-weight, static and seismic loads has shown an extremely inadequate structural performance. So, a steel profile HEA 400 is added on the external side of the columns, connected by screwed steel bars and the gap between the profile and the column is grouted with non-shrink mortar. Two, surface-bonded through epoxy resin and prestressed bolts, steel profiles UPE 300, on both sides, are added strengthening the beam.


Dimitrios Kakaletsis, Civil Engineer NTUA, Dr. Civ. Eng. DUTh, Professor, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia

A. Kanellopoulos, Dr. sc. techn. ETH Zürich, cubus Hellas Ltd

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